Jack Hulme, who recently studied UAL Level 2 Diploma in Art and Design, was announced as the winner of the Crafts Council Key Stage 4 National Competition ‘Material World’.
Jack and other learners were invited to explore the natural and human-made materials around them and how they relate to their own heritage, community or the place where they live.
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Bran Howell from The Eden Project worked closely with the Crafts Council and the students involved, promoting the value of our environment and working with sustainable materials.
The judges commented that Jack’s selection of materials and processes were purposeful and demonstrated skill, confidence and sophistication.
They enjoyed how the object was delicate and asymmetrical and looked like it had structural integrity.
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Jack’s tutor Beverleigh Claypool said: “Jack is a conscientious young person who gave careful thought and consideration to the environment through his use of sustainable materials that included electrical wires, fabric and found twigs.”
The department as a whole was also recognised by the Craft Council.
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The certificate stated this was ‘in celebration and recognition of our participation in the Craft Council’s annual challenge to get young people making.’ This is the second recognition Bury College received from the Crafts Council.
In August 2022, Level 2 student Diane Mwamikazi was a winner of this national award with Jack Barnard and Amber Kour also being awarded a similar accolade in 2023.