Jacob Salinas, 19, is pursuing an associate degree in Graphic Arts at South Texas College, a decision he made to achieve his goal of spreading joy and creating lasting memories through his work.
“Since I was young, I’ve always admired the philanthropist/altruistic ways of life, which led to my interest in creativity and the humanities. I want to give everyone a little bit of sunshine in these harsh times, something we could laugh about, relate to, or find a friend in,” said Salinas.
Salinas passion for graphic arts was shaped by a series of classes he took, including theatre, video game design. He said these classes led him toward a field where he could use his creative talents to make a difference.
“I’ve only just begun my journey,” he said. “I’ll be starting my art classes now that the majority of my academic classes are finished.”
Reflecting on his college experience, Salinas shared several memorable moments.
“I had amazing experiences, and attended several camps to gain experience in the real-world setting of art,” Salinas recalled.
Despite the challenges of being a first-generation student and coming from a low-income family, Salinas said he remains motivated by the examples set by those he admires.
“During difficult times, I remind myself of why I’m doing this and who I am doing it for,” said Salinas. “Characters, both fictional and real, inspire me to be motivated, strong, kind and willing to give to others and keep going.”
People he looks up to include, American comic book writer Stan Lee, American Founding Father George Washington and of course, his parents.
Salinas credits South Texas College with teaching him valuable life skills that extend beyond the classroom.
“In my time here, I’ve also learned a lot about checks, banking, credit/debit cards and other aspects of life I wish were taught in high school,” he said.
Although, Salinas originally chose STC for its proximity to home, he added that it has turned out to be the best decision he has made.
“I’m grateful for the opportunities that the college has provided my brother and I,” he said. “Opportunities that I thought were impossible, are now possible.”
For more details about the many opportunities STC offers, visit southtexascollege.edu.