MARQUETTE, Mich. (WLUC)—A new art exhibit at The Gallery, Marquette highlights the city’s Senior Arts Program.

Staff at The Gallery, Marquette invited Senior Visual Art Class alumni to display their paintings, textiles, and sculptures throughout October. The class is part of the Senior Arts Program, where the City of Marquette works with the Marquette Senior Center to offer free classes like theater and dance for seniors.

City of Marquette Arts and Senior Services Coordinator Tristan Luoma says everyone over 55 in the Marquette area should consider signing up for a class.

“It’s kind of meant to be an overall sampler and get people creating and socializing,” said Luoma. “It’s just a good chance to get an introduction to the arts, learn some new techniques along the way, and hopefully get some creative practice.”

You can check out the exhibit at The Gallery, Marquette, during its open hours until the end of October.

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