The new year is here and if that’s usually your cue to start trying a host of new hobbies (how long did that calligraphy phase last, again?), we totally get it. There’s nothing quite like immersing yourself in a new pastime to get those good vibes flowing in Q1.

Or, maybe getting creative with a new hobby is less of a personal pursuit and more of a social one. So, whether you’re simply looking for a unique first date activity or want a catch-up with pals that doesn’t involve bottomless brunch (hello, dry Jan), pottery painting is the ultimate way to unleash your inner artist (BTW we have rounded up the best pottery painting places in London if you need a location.)

Choosing the ceramic you’re going to paint is the easy part, it’s the dilemma of what you’re going to paint on it that’s tricky. So, before you dive right in on that blank canvas and end up with something that not even your mum wants in her cupboard, we’ve rounded up some cute (think: pink gingham and ladybugs) and quirky (think: cats in bonnets and trouserless frogs) pottery painting design ideas to ensure you’re left with nothing less than a modern masterpiece.

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